Each child’s treatment is individualized based on age, symptoms and specific trauma circumstances.

Child Abuse & Trauma Services
Family & Children’s Services is the place to turn for help if your child has been hurt by any type of child abuse or trauma including sexual abuse. Girls, boys and their families are cared for by a compassionate team of mental health professionals in our child-friendly environment.
Our goal is to make sure getting help for your child is as worry-free as possible by providing accessible, evidence-based quality care based on individual needs. Family members, foster parents and other caregivers are often invited to participate in the therapy process.
Child abuse and trauma treatment programs build resilience and restore a child’s wellbeing and strengthen families. Through age and trauma-specific outpatient and home-based therapy services, children are healed from symptoms of child abuse or trauma including sexual abuse.
If you have a child who needs our help, our professional staff are committed to helping you get the best care for that child and the best outcome for your family. By working together, we open new possibilities in your child’s life and your family’s too.
Childhood abuse and trauma might include:
- Sexual abuse (including trafficking)
- Physical or psychological abuse
- Child neglect or endangerment
- Domestic violence or community violence
- Disasters
- Victim of bullying
- Traumatic grief from the sudden or violent loss of a loved one
- Parental/Caregiver substance use disorder
- Medical trauma
- Military family-related stressors (e.g., deployment, parental loss or injury)
When children have been in situations where they feared for their lives, believed that they would be injured, witnessed violence, or tragically lost a loved one, they may show signs of child traumatic stress including:
- Outbursts of anger or aggression
- Changes in appetite or sleep
- Depression or sadness
- Poor self-image
- Toileting accidents
- Sexualized behaviors
- Irritability, anxiety or fears
- Problems concentrating & difficulties in school
- Suicidal thoughts or self-harm behaviors
- Fire setting
- Drug or alcohol use
- Increased conflict with family members, teachers and/or friends
If you have a child who you believe needs support, we offer resources that can help you get the best care for that child and the best outcome for your family.
As a member of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, we are committed to providing the highest standard of care for all children.
If you or someone you love suffered physical or psychological injury due to a violent crime that occurred anywhere in the state of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Crime Victims Compensation (OCVC) may be available to ease your financial burden.
Ways We Help
We provide the highest quality evidence-based care tailored to the unique needs of each child. Our wide range of specialized behavioral treatments are designed and found to be effective specifically for children.
Recovery from traumatic events is never easy; however, children are amazingly adaptable. We are committed to giving these children and teens the treatment they need to live healthy, fulfilling lives.
Our specially trained professionals in child-parent psychotherapy and infant mental health program will help children ages 0-6 recover from trauma by working with parents or caregivers in joint sessions with children.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy has been proven effective for alleviating trauma and PTSD symptoms.
EMDR combines different elements of many effective therapies to maximize treatment effects. This therapy delves into three time periods: the past, present, and future. Focus is given to past disturbing memories, related events, current situations that cause distress and to developing the skills and attitudes needed for positive future actions.
We strengthen families of all types by improving communication and teaching parents how to effectively deal with children whose behavior and well-being is impacted by traumatic events.
Each child’s treatment is individualized based on age, symptoms and specific trauma circumstances.
Through Families in New Directions (FIND), Family & Children’s Services provides family therapy for parents who are separated from their children who may or may not be involved with child welfare.
Treatment is individualized based on each family’s unique circumstances.
In group therapy, children learn new ways to deal with their problems, diminish isolation, enhance social and problem-solving skills and reduce the effects of trauma.
Child abuse and trauma can sometimes result in child victims’ involvement with law enforcement, courts and child welfare. Our staff helps children and their families navigate through the legal process.
Each child’s treatment is individualized based on age, symptoms and specific trauma circumstances.
Intensive group therapy is provided for adolescents 12 years and older due to sexual behavior problems. Parents or caregivers are required to participate.
Each child’s treatment is individualized based on age, symptoms and specific circumstances.
Play therapists help young children who are distraught, defiant or having emotional or behavioral problems express themselves through therapeutic play. Outcomes of therapy often include better coping skills, improved behavior and enhances parent-child relationships.
Each child’s treatment is individualized based on age, symptoms and specific trauma circumstances.
Our specialized staff works with parents and children ages 2-8 years in joint session to help improve young children’s behavior and create positive parent-child relationships.
Each child’s treatment is individualized based on age, symptoms and specific trauma circumstances.
Parent-only group therapy for non-offending parents of children who have been sexually abused. This therapy helps parents learn to recognize warning signs of sexual abuse and if abuse has occurred, teaches parents coping mechanisms to help support their child’s recovery.
Through Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, our highly trained staff provides children ages 3-18 and their caregivers the unique skills necessary to overcome difficulties that are related to a traumatic life event, such as loss of a loved one, witnessing violence and other devastating occurrences.
Each child’s treatment is individualized based on age, symptoms and specific trauma circumstances.