Substance Abuse & Addiction
If you or someone you love struggles with addiction, there is hope. People recover every day from alcoholism, substance abuse, co-occurring disorders, gambling and other addictions. It’s never too late to get help.
Family & Children’s Services offers effective outpatient treatment tailored to your individual needs. Our caring and compassionate professionals will help build a foundation for sustainable recovery so you can function effectively at home, at work and in the community.
We also provide the highest quality of care, treatment and services through integrated and individualized approaches for opioid-use disorder. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is combined with behavioral counseling for a whole-patient approach to improve addiction-related behaviors. For more information about our MAT intake process, please call 918.587.9471 for an appointment.
Ways we help.
We provide best-practice and gender-sensitive treatment models. Services offered include assessment, group counseling, individual counseling, education, family services, case management, crisis intervention, court-related services, relapse prevention planning and aftercare.

Our team of professionals is trained to provide simultaneous care to individuals battling both mental illness and addiction issues. Your treatment plan may include outpatient counseling, education and relapse prevention.
Family & Children’s Services has significant experience in providing recovery-oriented services to individuals with substance abuse problems who are involved in court diversion and re-entry services. Family & Children’s Services is an approved specialty court provider and Department of Corrections service provider.
Family & Children’s Service can help if you or a loved one is struggling with gambling problems. Our staff members have specialized certifications and training in gambling addiction.
Recovery is possible for those with serious mental illness. Family & Children’s Services offers psychiatry, pharmacy, case management, counseling, assertive community treatment, homeless outreach programs, wellness program and other speciality services.
We work with the jail and court systems to divert non-violent mentally ill individuals into treatment, help them meet court standards and set treatment goals for recovery. Family & Children’s Services is an approved specialty court provider and Department of Corrections service provider.

Oklahoma Families First Program: Work with pregnant or postpartum women with previous or current substance use concerns to get treatment.
Call 918.587.9471 to enroll
Family & Children’s Services works to help individuals with mental health and addiction disorders transition successfully into community life upon release from correctional institutions. In our comprehensive program, you’ll receive mental health care, learn life skills and find out about available community resources.