For more information or to make an appointment, call 918.560.2500.

Individual Placement and Support: Employment and Education

Education and Employment Services

This evidence-based, best-practice approach to supported employment and education empowers clients to work toward their dream job while continuing to see their care team for treatment goals.

Program Features:

  • Every person who wants help obtaining or retaining employment or education is eligible.
  • Competitive jobs are the goal of IPS.
  • IPS employment services are integrated with your mental health treatment team.
  • Personalized benefits education can be provided.
  • Job searches begin soon after you express interest in working.
  • Services are individualized based on what the client wants to work on and the level of support they would like IPS to provide.

Benefits of Involvement in the IPS Program:

  • IPS specialists go at the client’s preferred pace for services and assist with all areas of employment and education.
  • Staff can work with managers to assist clients in advocating for themselves in supporting their treatment and wellness goals.
  • Outside of sessions, IPS staff meet with local employers to assist clients in obtaining employment as well as assessing if locations meet the client’s preferences and needs.

IPS Program Q&A

No, we believe that work is recovery. We do not judge and want clients to be safe regardless of the current situation. For client and staff safety, we cannot hold a session if someone is actively under the influence but can reschedule for a better time to meet.

Staff will assist clients with all aspects of preparation for work including but not limited to resume building and interview skills as well as assisting with on-the-job supports and job coaching. We encourage clients to continue meeting with their IPS clinician after they get employed for continued support as well.

Sessions are in person in the community of Tulsa County for 1 hour once a week. IPS staff cannot use telehealth services and encourage clients to meet where they are most comfortable for a productive session. The first couple of sessions will include assessments to ensure client preferences are honored while working in the program.

If a client is identifying IPS goals to work on and is engaged in the service, the service is time-unlimited.

Walk-ins are strongly discouraged since we cannot guarantee an IPS specialist will be at an FCS location since much of their time is spent in the community. We recommend clients making and keeping appointments to ensure goals are continually worked on by both clients and IPS specialists.

IPS staff can assist clients in applying for FAFSA, getting connected with training courses or obtaining certifications, practicing study tips, and advocating with teachers or institutes for assistance.

That’s great! We provide treatment teams with job leads frequently so these needs can be met by the case manager or someone on the treatment team. If you change your mind and decide you are interested, you can always be referred to the program.

Contact an Appointment Coordinator to begin your experience with Individual Placement and Support services