The following mobile applications for mental health and self-care and recovery are meant as a resource, not a treatment plan. You will notice that the application is described and then reviewed by a Family & Children’s Services mental health practitioner. Most of these applications are available in the iTunes store.
- Anxiety, Stress & PTSD
- Depression
- Specific Therapy Helpers
- Meditation, Mindfulness & Relaxation
- Medication Reminders
- Positive Affirmation & Gratitude
- Mood Tracking
- Suicide/Safety Planning
- Personal Safety
Stress & Anxiety Companion
Android: No; iPhone: Yes
Gives you the tools you need to manage anxious feelings and identify their triggers so they won’t trip you up in the future. It can help you build your mental muscles to make you stronger and happier.
FCS Review:
Has relaxation, progressive muscle and breathing exercises. Thought cards are great. Brain games distract if you are having a panic attach. Easy to use. More for generalized anxiety disorder than stress.
Self Help for Anxiety Management
Android: Yes; iPhone: Yes
Offers a range of self-help methods for people who are serious about learning to manage their anxiety. It includes self-monitoring for anxiety with graphic display, information about anxiety, thinking and anxiety, physical relaxation, mental relaxation and Health & Anxiety.
FCS Review:
It had thorough psychoeducation, some relaxation exercises, ways to rate 4 different areas of anxiety, a tracker that logged rated anixety, a way to record yourself when anxious and can playback later. You can also set up an account to talk to others using the app. Easy to navigate through app.
PTSD Coach
Android: Yes; iPhone: Yes
Provides users with education about PTSD, information on professional care, self-assessment for PTSD, opportunities to find support, and tools that can help users manage the stresses of daily life with PTSD.
FCS Review:
PTSD coach has positive attributes. It was designed by the VA for veterans and refers to the VA hotline for assistance. It has many breathing and relaxation exercises if you report certain symptoms and the severity.
Start-depression test, pill reminder
Android: No; iPhone: Yes
Take a depressions test, track your progress, side effects, and see yourself improve. Start helps you decide if your new antidepressant works for you.
FCS Review:
You choose which meds you are taking and it will send you a reminder when it is time to be taking them. Every two weeks the app will give you a new patient health questionnaire. This app also gives you the side effects for your meds. You can set it up to give you notifications for taking meds. It can also track progress while on the meds. (This feature is mostly for new meds- not for meds you are stable on).
Relieve Depression
Android: No; iPhone: Yes
A quick and efficient way to determine your level of depression. This will give the causes and ways to relieve it. Here you will find information, test for depression, and be given various hints and techniques to help brighten up your life.
FCS Review:
Has good basic information about depression and coping skills. There is a random selection feature that will select something for you to do to help with depression, in case you feel indecisive at the moment.
CBT-i Coach
Android: Yes; iPhone: Yes
This is an app for people who are engaged in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia with a health provider, or for those who have experienced symptoms of insomnia and would like to improve their sleeping habits. The app will guide users through the process of learning about sleep, developing positive sleep routines, and improving their sleep environment. This app is not intended to replace therapy. This should be used in conjunction with therapy.
FCS Review:
Includes information about sleeping patterns and PTSD. It has mindfulness exercises, caffeine alerts, techniques for grounding, and exercises on cognitions that you want to challenge. This app includes most contents from “PTSD Coach”.
CPT Coach
Android: No; iPhone: Yes
For those who are participating in Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) with a professional mental healthcare provider. The app contains support materials for a complete course of CPT to help clients manage their treatment. It also includes between session assignments, readings, PTSD symptom monitoring and mobile versions of CPT worksheets.
FCS Review:
This is a very helpful app. It has the exact homework assignments that are provided in session. You can type directly onto the homework assignments on the phone and save that you can bring to sessions. You also have the function to put in your therapist name, contact information, and scheduled appointments. This is a great tool to use if doing CPT.
Mindfulness coach
Android: No; iPhone: Yes
This app is developed to help you learn how to practice mindfulness. It offers exercises, information, and a tracking log so you can optimize your practice.
FCS Review:
Good educational materials and practice exercises.
Headspace: Meditation techniques
Android: Yes; iPhone: Yes
Meditation made simple. If you enjoy meditation and want to learn more then you can gain access to hours of original meditations. These include guided and unguided lessons. Sessions range from two to sixty minutes long. Subscriptions can cost $12.99/month
FCS Review:
Free app download includes 10 free sessions of mindfulness meditation (called take 10). You get 100 minutes of content for free, including 3 short videos explaining certain aspects of mindfulness using metaphors. You have the option to subscribe monthly, yearly, lifetime or you can just continue to cycle through the 10 free sessions. It is simple to use and easy to understand.
Virtual Hope Box
Android: Yes; iPhone: Yes
Designed for use by clients and their behavioral health providers as an accessory to treatment. The VHB contains simple tools to help clients with coping, relaxation, distraction and positive thinking.
FCS Review:
It has distractions with games like Sudoku, photo puzzle, inspirational questions, coping cards, and guided meditations. It is completely free, there is no subscription or paid option.
Calm: Meditation techniques for stress reduction
Android: Yes; iPhone: Yes
The Calm App is a free download. The free 7 Days of Calm program provides seven 10-minute sessions on the basics of mindfulness. Other free content includes Body Scan, and Loving Kindness. As well as timed and open-ended meditations. Users can choose from a variety of free background scenes such as mountain lake, tropical beach, or various piano music backgrounds.
FCS Review:
I think it is great for mindfulness. Probably even better than headspace because it has more free content.
MediSafe: Medication Reminder
Android: Yes; iPhone: Yes
This app helps you manage your medications, refills, drug interactions, measurements and doctor’s appointments to improve health.
FCS Review:
Provides a virtual pill box divided by four different times of the day. You get a physical representation of your pills. It is persistent in reminding you to take your meds. This is very helpful for people who need constant reminders. You can put in your doctor’s information. You have the option to create a profile online if you choose to do so. You are putting personal information on your phone and the app is not password protected, so just be aware. This app is a great way to track your progress.
Pill Reminder by
Android: No; iPhone: Yes
A comprehensive personal medical record.
FCS Review:
Easy to download and easy to use.
I am- Daily Positive Reminders
Android: No; iPhone: Yes
Provides daily affirmations that help rewire our brains, build self-esteem and change negative thought patterns. Empower yourself by verbally affirming your dreams and ambitions. Choose from a variety of daily intentions and set reminders to be delivered throughout the day.
FCS Review:
You can customize the affirmations that resonate with you and you can set how frequently you want the affirmations. No limits or upgrades required.
Gratitude Journal 365
Android: No; iPhone: Yes
Keeping a gratitude journal can become a positive habit, but only with discipline. With continued exercise, practicing gratitude will create more abundance, prosperity, well-being and happiness than you ever thought possible. Free for 7 days then must upgrade.
FCS Review:
Great way to learn how to practice gratitude. Once you get the hang of it you can switch to a free “notes” app to keep your own journal to avoid upgrade payment.
Free for 7 days then must upgrade.
T2 Mood Tracker
Android: Yes; iPhone: Yes
Monitor your mood on six pre-loaded scales (anxiety, stress, depression, brain injury, PTDs and general well-being). Ratings are displayed on graphs to help users track moods over time. Notes can be recorded to document daily events, medication changes and treatments.
FCS Review:
Simple and easy to use. It only has five feelings and may be better for teens. The graphs and charts are good.
MoodTools- Depression Aid
Android: Yes; iPhone: Yes
Designed to help you combat depression and alleviate your negative moods, aiding you on your road to recovery. Contains a though diary, different energizing activities, safety plan, information, the PHQ-9 depression questionnaire and videos that can improve our mood and behavior. This app has guided meditation to enlightening TED talks.
FCS Review:
Includes a safety plan. You can link friends/family in contacts and it will notify them if needed. It includes warning signs and coping strategies and who to call.
Android: No; iPhone: Yes
A mood charting app that helps you develop strategies for managing depression, bipolar or other mental health conditions. A network connection is needed to use this app.
FCS Review:
Mood tracker, starts with mood 1-10 and how well you coped. It has stay well strategies. Tracks triggers, tracks symptoms, how well you took your meds, and your sleep. Gives charts and reports on data. Has to be connected to internet to work.
Android: Yes; iPhone: No
It is an android app designed to keep track of a person’s mood.
FCS Review:
Somewhat easy to use.
Android: Yes; iPhone: No
An app to help with safety planning and keeping up with appointments.
FCS Review:
Recommended and reviewed by National Suicide experts.

Android: Yes; iPhone: Yes
uSafeUS places sexual assault, dating violence and stalking prevention resources directly into the hands of survivors and allies on college and university campuses.
uSafeUS provides survivors, allies, family members, faculty, staff, and community members at US colleges and universities with instant access to localized information and tools for the prevention of and response to sexual assault, stalking, and relationship violence. uSafeUS includes interactive tools to help keep students safe in potentially dangerous situations.
FCS Review:
Simple and easy to use. It only has five feelings and may be better for teens. The graphs and charts are good.