Last month, the Family & Children’s Services Mental Health Court team celebrated the graduation of 11 clients from the Mental Health Court and the F&CS Drug Court team celebrated the graduation of seven clients from the Co-Occurring Drug Court and Male Drug Court programs.
The event was featured recently on KJRH TV Channel 2.
“Graduations are a time for participants to celebrate their program success with their treatment staff, the court professionals including their Judge, coordinators, ADA, attorney and supervision officers, their familial support systems and their peers,” said Tyfany Sayre, F&CS Mental Health Court Therapist.
The graduates shared how the mental health court program changed their lives by learning to love themselves, overcome depression and other significant mental health matters, be able to find and maintain stable employment, provide for their families and rebuild relationships with loved ones.
F&CS works with the Tulsa County Alternative Court Programs to divert non-violent mentally ill individuals into treatment, help them meet court standards and set treatment goals for recovery. Family & Children’s Services is an approved specialty court provider and Department of Corrections service provider.