Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have been presented so many different challenges and obstacles that have tested our strength and resiliency. We have been forced to cope with situations we never even imagined, and a lot of us struggled with our mental health as a result. Many people who had never experienced mental health challenges found themselves struggling for the first time.
The good news is that there are tools and resources available that can support the well-being of individuals and communities. It’s okay to ask for help.
The “It’s okay to ask for help” campaign, presented by Family & Children’s Services, is part of May’s Mental Health Awareness Month. We are joining others across the nation to help raise awareness and combat the stigma surrounding mental health. Throughout the month we will be focusing on different topics and resources to help process the events and feelings of the past year.
Did you know that Family & Children’s Services provides the following resources?
- F&CS has a FREE COVID helpline for individuals who have been affected by coronavirus.
- Calls are confidential, anonymous and free and can help with stress management, emotional support, counseling services, links to resources and more!
- More Info: 918.712.8096.
- A free subscription to myStrength, an app to provide support for your emotional well-being.
- F&CS has support groups tailored to your needs.
- At noon on May 19, F&CS therapists will facilitate a Mindful Parenting 101 Webinar. Admission is FREE.
- This is in partnership with Connect First.
- Our 24/7 COPES emotional support line (918.744.4800) offers a listening ear and resources in critical situations.
- Our call center answers questions about therapy and services (918.587.9471).
We hope that during this month, you will recognize that taking care of your mental health is vital, mental illnesses is real, it’s okay to ask for help and recovery is possible. You CAN find a balance between life’s ups and downs, happiness and health.