Get free tax help from certified experts
If your household makes less than $57K per year, you are eligible to get free tax preparation by trained professionals. With the financial hardships many have experienced this past year,…
If your household makes less than $57K per year, you are eligible to get free tax preparation by trained professionals. With the financial hardships many have experienced this past year,…
A global pandemic couldn’t stop holiday cheer, warmth and kindness as over 215 donors provided gifts and basic needs for 1,279 Family & Children’s Services’ (F&CS) children and families in…
The Family & Children’s Services (F&CS) Resource Room, located at the Sarah and John Graves Center, obtained a grant in December from the national retailer Walmart. Proceeds benefited 78 clients,…
Florence Beeman celebrates her 100 birthday on December 30. Family & Children’s Services applauds Florence with a look back on her lifetime of compassion, support and love for others. Happy…
Family & Children’s Services Women in Recovery’s Continuing Care Team takes pride in annual traditions such as a holiday party. Due to COVID-19 restrictions this year, a large in-person holiday…